November 2011


CP Holiday Train

CP Holiday Train Schedule Released

The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train hits the rails again in November, visiting over 140 communities across CP's network. 


 Gary Knapp submitted his night shot of CP Ethanol train 642 passing the station at Port Henry, NY, at 04:56 in the morning on September 21st  With the bell ringing loudly and the headlights of CP SD40-2 5937 shining in the dark in the dark, the massive locomotives roll into Gary’s camera view. The colourful lash-up is hardly working on this stretch of D&H track along the western shore Lake Champlain. Shot with his Canon 5D combined with my Zeiss ZF 35/2 lens set at f2.

Motive Power News

In October, CP announced a new order of 30 more ES44AC’s from General Electric in Erie, PA.  Earmarked for delivery in 2012, they are to be numbered in a new series: 9350-9379.  These are the first CP units that will comply with U.S. Tier 3 emissions standards. 

Brand new Candy Apple Red coloured GE ES44AC’s were arriving in Canada in streams in early October, all fresh from the GE plant in Erie, PA.  CP 8918-8928 arrived in Ontario the first week of October, followed by CP 8929 - 8940 arriving and entering service by mid- October.  8941-8944 arrived in late October.   Note: CP ES44AC 8939 has a special crest on the nose for Lord Strathcona’s horse, Also pictured are  Canadian Military Officers and CRP officers

Al Jaster caught this trio at Salmon Arm BC on Oct 25 2011. CP 8943 was just delivered a few days ago and CP put it to work right away. CP 8941 were leading with CP 8943 being used as a remote unit. CP 8909 lead another train through town the same day

Chris Wilson bagged CP ES44AC 8918 on her maiden run at Cartier, Ontario leading train 111 on October 4th.

On October 5th, Bill Sanderson caught CP 8920 at Smiths Falls, Ontario westbound as lead unit on Montreal-Calgary-Vancouver intermodal train #115.

Bob Heathorn clicked CP ES44AC 8921 on 2234 at the Smiths Falls, ON October 4th. Hearing “CP 8921” on your scanner once again does sound odd, but is nostalgic! Compare this newest “8921”, with a photo the better known one: MLW-built RSD-17 #8921 “The Empress of Agincourt”. (MLW photo from Deane Motis’ collection).  



Other CP 8900-series on-line:


CP 8920

CP 8928

CP 8927

CP 8924

CP 8920

CP 8925

CP 8922

CP 8921

CP 8918

CP 8923


CP’s sixty-one new General Electric ES44AC “CP 11’s” (8900-8960) are similar to the previous orders of CP 8’s, CP 9’s and CP 10’s. However there are differences to the previous order. Here is a synopsis of the information provided to CP employees in October.

Cor van Steenis clicked ES44AC 8933 leading Vancouver-Chicago EMS Train 198 into Calgary October 13th, 34 hours after departing from Port Coquitlam, BC.

CP leased locomotives on the property in October:

CEFX (AC4400CW) 1002, 1006, 1007, 1014, 1018-1020, 1023, 1024, 1026-1059.

CEFX (SD40-2) 2786, 2791, 2797, 2802, 2803, 3105, 3109, 3112, 3120, 3121, 3127, 3128, 3130, 3133, 3137, 3139, 3143, 3145, 3148, 3149, 3151, 3155, 3163, 3164, 3166, 3168, 3172, 3173, 3175, 3176, 3181, 3182, 3183, 3184, and 3188.

CITX (SD40-2) 2785, 2790, 2792, 2794, 2796, 2799, 2804, 3008, 3024, 3026, 3032, 3035, 3036, 3053-3067, 3070, 3071, 3073, 3074, 3075, 3077-3083, 3086, 3088-3092, 3095, 3097-3102, 3110,3157, 3170, 3177.

 NREX (SD40-2) 4403, 5542, 5581, 5661, 5777, 5823, 6301, 6309, 7003, 7212, 7223, 7237, 7246, 7275, 7287, 7349, 7356, 7360, 7370, 7374, 7931, 8092, 8096, 8099, 8401.

 HLCX (SD40-2): 6206, 6299, 6340, 6341, 6844, 7003, 7008, 7009, 7161, 7191, 7193, 7205, 7230, 7231, 7233, 8033, 8085, 8089, 8139, 8163, 8176, and JFDX 8045

CP retired 58 Locomotives in 2011

(as follows in road number order)


CP GP7u 1501,1503 and 1505


CP GP9u 1515, 1519, 1525, 1528, 1531#, 1543, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569, 1570, 1581, 1588,

                   1603, 1611, 1612, 1615, 1617, 1621, 1628, 1638, 1639, 1644, 1649, 1692, 1696, 1697


CP GP7u 1682 (Ex-TH&B #72)    


CP SD40-2 762* and 5415 (ex-KCS 670)


CP SD40M-2 5491, (ex-SD40), 5493 (ex-SD45)  


CP SD40-2 5573, 5672, 5691, 5697, 5728, 5729, 5734, 5735, 5747, 5789, 5793, 5843, 5869 and 6604*


CP GP9u 8214, 8224, 8229, 8230, 8240, and 8242.    

CP GP9 8264* and 8270*


#Scrapped at Ogden Shop in 2011*     ex-SOO


CP GP38-2 overhaul update:

CP GP38-2’s 3111 and (former Soo) CP 4446, overhauled by Progress Rail in Mayfield, KY, arrived in Fulton, KY Oct. 19th , both wearing shiny new CP liveries. Chris Bodkin shot 4446 there Oct. 20th.

Ken Lanovich noted overhauled and repainted CP GP38-2 3111 on a northbound CN train at IC Markham yard October 20th.  Consist was IC 2724, CN 2669, and CP 3111, bound for Symington Yard in Winnipeg MB.  CP 3111 was interchanged to CP at Paddington (Winnipeg, MB), and the unit was moved to Toronto.

In mid-October, SOO 4414 and 4515 arrived at the KY shops for overhaul and repaint. SOO 4428 and CP 3126 were awaiting a CN train south from Woodcrest, for similar upgrade at Progress Rail, and fresh from its makeover, CP 3048 arrived in Fulton KY October 28th.

SOO SD60 Update

In early October former SOO SD60 6050, overhauled to Dash-3 standards by Cadrail shops in Lachine, QC, was released in full CP colours. Frank Jolin was first to catch it October 8th at the St-Luc Yard. In October SOO 6025, 6040, 6041 and Sd60M 6060 are at Cadrail with three others enroute to Montreal for eight total to be upgraded.

(See photos of these in this issue of CRO in “LOCOMOTIVE SHOPS”).    

On October 10th, Michael Sbrocchi caught CP 642 with a dynamite lash up: SOO SD60 6033, CSX ES44DC 5344, CSX SD40-2 8387, DME SD40-2 6366 and ICE SD40-2 6100 at Etobicoke, Ontario at Bloor

Bill Miller and Walter Pfefferle caught CP SD60 6250 trailing on its first run, passing through Woodstock, ON October 10th. CP 9637 led  empty ethanol train 667 down to Chicago. JDAWG shot CP 6250 on its way across the Indiana state line October 11th. 

 October 12th the duo took auto parts train 281 from Bensenville Yard to the Twin Cities – Keith Schmidt caught the train just west of the CN/CP diamonds at Duplainville WI. 

Other photos can be found here


CP GP9u update:

Twenty-five GP7u/GP9u yard units (only first 14 numbers are known) are to be moved to Port Coquitlam, BC to the SRY Shops in New Westminster for removal of fluids (fuel, oil and water), and then moved to the ABC Metals siding in Langly, BC., for removal of specific usable parts and then scrapping. All these specific parts will be sent to EMD (Progress Rail) in the USA, for remanufacturing into EMD ECO geeps.  Present CP numbers 1501, 1503, 1515, 1525, 1528, 1565, 1567, 1568, 1581 (former Port Coquitlam unit), 1588, 1611, 1638, 1696 and 1697, plus eleven more to be announced. Four units per week from Calgary to Port Coquitlam is the plan, and as the SRY shop is small, most will be stored at the CP yard in Coquitlam.

On October 25th, Andy Cassidy caught many of these doomed CP Geeps at the Coquitlam, BC Diesel Shop.   

Canadian Pacific Railway is closely watching their opportunities to transport more of North America's growing volumes of crude oil by rail.  "We're not likely over the longterm to displace the most efficient way to move oil, which is going to be pipelines," Canadian Pacific chief executive Fred Green says.  "What's different is that if we could end up with even five or 10 per cent of those volumes. That's a major opportunity for us as a railway."  The Calgary-based company reports its carloads of oil from the prolific Bakken light oil play are up 50 per cent over the numbers anticipated in June.  While the carrier had expected to move about 8,000 carloads a year, that estimate has climbed to about 13,000. The potential for Bakken oil is in the neighbourhood of 70,000 carloads a year and projected revenue of $140 million, said Jane O'Hagan, CP's chief marketing officer. 

Kevin Burkholder shot the first CP Crude Oil Train from Stampede, ND to Albany, NY, on CPR's former D&H "North End" near Port Henry as CPR 696-001. CPR ES44ACs 8705 and 8785 lead the 80 blue ended tanks south on the October 24th  maiden run.

October 18th Peter McLaughlin found CP SD40-F 9015 with its front end freshly repainted in “CP Rail Action Red”, at CP's Alyth yard.   This was one of the three units (two “red barns” and AC4400CW),   damaged on May 12th1 (between Tilley and Suffield on the Brooks Subdivision) in a collision at a level crossing with an oil tanker truck   in Southern Alberta.   We were hoping this would be the first Red Barn to get repainted in the current CP livery … but no such luck with this one anyway.


Here is a photo of it in Alyth Yard Calgary Alberta in April 1998. Walter Pfefferle Collection.


My friend from down under, John Duncan visited Montreal October 1st and your editor escorted him to CP St-Luc Yard and CN Taschereau Yard.  Power was plentiful and we noted the following loco numbers.

St-Luc Diesel Shop ready tracks:

CP GP38-2 3025,

CP SD40-2 5874, 5907, 5946, 5947, 6613

CP AC4400CW8580, 8782, 9555, 9621,  9700, 9705, 9831

CP ES44AC 8867

CP SD9043MAC 9143

CEFX AC4400CW 1031

HLCX 7233

AMT 302,

AMT 526

Outside the shop: (Some SUS)

CP GP9u 1549, 1639, 1649,

CP GP38-2 3072,

CP SD40-2 5940, (SUS)

CP GP9u 8214, 8228, (both SUS)  

CP AC4400CW 8570, 9705,

CP ES44AC 9831

CP SD9043MAC 9157 (SUS)


Inside the shop for repairs:

CP SD40-2 6021,

CP Ac4400CW 8561 ,8634, 9539, 9588, 9643, 9674,


CN Taschereau Yard:

CN Slug 230,

CN GP38-2W 4773

CN GP9RM 7208, 7226 w/slug 250  

CN ES44DC 2277,

CN C44-9W 2593,

CN SD70M-2 8905, 8950,

LLPX GP15-1 1509, 1510, 1511 (All have now moved south from Montreal to a shop in the USA and are to be relettered to GMTX).

Francois Jolin clicked the following power at St-Luc Diesel Shop on the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend: CP 5946, 8530, 6250, 9631, 8247, 9821, 9143, 5940, 5947, 6004, 3025, 3072, 9635, 8244, SOO  6028* (Now at CAD), NREX 8092, and a CEFX SD40-2.

During early October, CP SD9043MAC 9142 was seen waiting on repairs at CADRAIL in Lachine, QC. The loco has been there over four months.

In Toronto Agincourt Yard, a new diesel wheel and truck shop building was completed over the summer inside the former car shop.  The old diesel shop building is undergoing a complete rebuilding of tracks 2, 3, 4 and 5. Only track 1, the offices, stores, lunch and locker rooms are currently in use. The rebuilding project will increase the track length by about 50 feet, so three big GEs can be accommodated on each track. A new 40 ton crane over three tracks will allow for the lifting of an engine block during overhauls.  Work should be completed by early 2012, and will create a number of new jobs with some transfers from St-Luc Diesel in Montreal.

Steve Nordahl caught CP-38Z/256 moving through CP-Bethlehem on the NS Lehiegh Line in Bethlehem, PA.on October 7th.  Takimg some  headroom before setting off cars for Norfolk Southern’s Allentown Yard are CP ES44AC 8877, and ratty looking NREX (Ex CP) SD40-2 5668, and CP SD40-2 5937.

The collapse of a railway bridge, at approx mileage 104 on CP’s Lloydminster Sub on the eastern side of Lloyminster, in Szaskatchewan  forced the closure of Highway 16 along the Alberta-Saskatchewan boundary. No one was injured but a large backhoe being transported on flatbed truck struck the bridge, knocking it off of its cement supports.


CPR Holiday Train 2011

This years prairie harvest is done as CPR business train 40B-24 approaches Strangmuir, AB., M 140 of the Brooks Sub. (30 m east of Calgary), 24 Oct 2011, at 11:20. Led by CPR ES44AC # 8866, the 14 cars were put together at Ogden October 21st and include: two box generator cars (424964, 424959), two Empress coaches (Ernest 'Smoky' Smith VC & Dominion) plus all ten cars of the Royal Canadian Pacific; Business Car 'Mount Stephen' bringing up the markers. Some of the cars had partial Christmas decorations adorning the sides  and were deadheading from Calgary to Montreal (St-Luc Diesel Shop) for the annual Canada and USA Christmas Specials. 

After six months in operation, Cor van Steenis finally caught a loaded BNSF coal train going through Calgary (they always seem to pass through at night). After coming off the MacLeod Subdivision, CPR 9781 (9801, 9736 Rear DP) backs the 111 loads of coal from the Powder River coal fields in Wyoming through Alyth Yard, destined for interchange with CNR at Clover Bar, AB., on 13 Oct 2011. From there, CN takes the train to Ridley Terminal in Prince Rupert, BC. After entering Alyth Yard, the trains have to be backed up past the 12th Street Tower (visible to the left of photo) and then sent north on the west leg of the north wye onto the Red Deer Sub, as there is not a direct link from the MacLeod to the Red Deer Sub.

Cor also clicked badly burned CPR AC4400CW 9505 at Alyth, Calgary, AB., on March 2nd, and then again at Shepard, Calgary, AB., with the burn areas 'rehabilitated' and back in service without a 'CANADIAN PACIFIC' label on the long hood.

Andy Cassidy clicked this local BNSF set moving e/b through New Westminster Yard on the CP mainline (Westminster Sub mile 9.2),  destined to the BNSF yard over in Sapperton.  Three Dash 9-44CW's whaul a short train of various cars and a number of over-height boxes likely from Kruger Paper.  The photos were taken from the Quayside Drive overpass in New Westminster, BC.

Kevin Dunk caught UP SD90Macs 8258 and 8276 about to crest the Elko, BC, grade on the CP Cranbrook Sub with   westbound   manifest 469.   Some history for this location - this scene shows the old Crestbrook Forest Industries spur track right of center. It reached some 3 miles to the former CFI (later Tembec-owned) lumber mill.

When the CP stopped servicing the mill years ago, this spur was covered over and transformed into a logging road. The spur was part of the original GN Crows Nest Southern Railway from Jennings, MT.   Prior to that, GN and CP negotiated trackage rights to Fernie via the CP back in 1926, crossed the CPR’s Cranbrook Sub at this very spo,t and continued east on what is today’s Highway 3 alignment.   Elko maybe small today, but it certainly looms large in the annals of railway history for the East Kootenays.

Cor van Steenis caught the RCP heading west through Morant’s Curve and Banff on the Laggan Sub.  The fall colours were alive along with the green in the Mountain parks primarily covered in spruce and pine forests. At Banff East, the mist was still hanging low over Stoney Squaw as the Royal Canadian Pacific rolled through. At Banff the crew mentioned this was Train 31B, a private charter headed for Invermere, BC., that same day. The guests diembarked for a two hour tour of Banff, then returned to the train for a run to Lake Louise, another two hour layover and a crew change. We caught it at Morant's Curve in a light drizzle; a bit of fall colour was evident (as was the fresh overnight snow on Mount Temple).  This might be Cor’s last run to the mountains before snow covers the floor of the Bow Valley,

CP Vignettes

Arnold Mooney caught three Big M’s (CP 4562, 4559 and 4743) on  D&H train #554, sitting at Oneonta, NY on February 23rd, 1993, soon after the CP purchased the D&H.  Heading southbound and waiting to be recrewed at mile 557, this is a favourite location for railfans just near the Pony Farm Rd bridge.  The old decrepit bridge came down this summer and is being replaced. In the late 1980’s Several Big M’s were repainted into the newer CP RAIL livery with out the multimark and lucky for Arnold one of these repaints was leading the train.


© CRO November 2011